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Typical poster of NCAF

Let it be known that today we stand as a single nation. One people. One state. One government.

-Supreme Command Adolf Reikkson addresses his people during the Danish Crisis.

Northern Confederation Armed Forces, or NCAF as it is often called, is a military force of the fictional Northern Confederation. Although varying in potrayal, it's mainly rather low-tech, infantry spamming military force devoted to protection of its homeland. This article deals with most recent version (and most likely, the final).

Northern Confederation of Independent Nordic and Baltic States


"Iunctus nos sto", United we stand


Confederation. Constitutional republic. De facto military junta.

Head of State:

President of Confederation

Head of Military:

Supreme Commander of Armed Forces

Estimated Population:

35 000 000 ~ 40 000 000


Nordic and Baltic states


Humans. Mobians and lylatians are represented as minorities.

Northern Confederation[]

Birth of State[]

Formed from collapsed Nordic and Baltic states, NC was formed in order to keep it's people safe. Its birth was rather painful, with former governments (or what was left of them) ordering the military to "keep peace and stop riots, no matter the cost". This resulted in infamous "Stockholm massacre", 2nd Finnish Civil War and "Anarchy in Oslo". Due to its hurry, national constitution was made very vague, with new government defining it more and more. The main problem during the initial years was the former kingdoms. Problem was solved rather violently in Sweden, where a left-wig anarchist group succeeded in bombing a royal wedding, killing most of the royal family. In Norway, monarchy was more or less peacefully dissolved. Denmark still retains king/queen as the "highest person of state". Although this means instead of elected ministers Denmark is represented by king and selected governmental personal.

Joining of Baltic States[]

Initialy just former Nordic countries, after stability was achieved to state where countries were united under single government that actually worked, Baltic states of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvian requested to be included. NC was first vary of allowing such states joining, even holding public vote that resulted in 84% "No" and 10% "Yes" votes. Situation changed when word of mass riots and anarchy reached public ears. This resulted outcry of "humanitarian invertion". With official request from Baltic states and demand of the public, NC deployed it's first troops, called "Allied Defence Force". This resulted in disaster. The army, using different equipment, language and code words could not get anywhere. Thanks to misunderstanding, the military actually engaged in occupation. Order was restored, but NC found itself occupying 3 nation with army that could not communicate amongst itself. Having little option, NC "forced" Baltic States to join itself. Having a barely-functioning military, it decided to start full-scale reformation of the army. This resulted in standard army, which actually worked. For convenience's sake, the language used between units is English, although attempts to form completely new language are underway.

The Danish Crisis[]

All seemed to go more or less well. Confederacy was stable, it's economy started to climb and military was turning into efficient combat force. Then came The Danish Crisis. I short, well organized nationalist extremist seized power in Denmark and declared independence. At first, NC was willing to let Denmark go, to prevent bad publicity. To everyones surprise, the king DIDN'T support this movement and made official request to NC to deploy troops to "end this illegal and unjustified coup de'tat, for the sake of the danish people and stability of the union". This acted like a flare to other nationalist groups who though that this was their change to dissolve Confederacy. Facing either collapse or military action, NC deployed its newly formed troops, now going by the name Northern Confederation Armed Forces to solve the situation. What resulted was bloody 2 week war between danish loyalist, danish separatist and NCAF. Separatist movement lost in the face of overwhelming material and tactical superiority. To this day, NCAF keeps strong presence in former Denmark. In other states all possible separatist movements are quickly and swiftly crushed.

Aftermath of the crisis[]

Crisis marked a turning point in NC policy. What used to be relatively free and open state was turned into militaristic state, which highest concern on keeping the union alive. There are still open votes and general elections, but main focus of politics is to keep people in line and prevent Confederacy from collapsing under pressure. This has resulted in high surveillance. Of course, this has spurred counter action, with anti-government forces having become either more armed or more stealthy. Numerous clashes between police and military-grade resistance cells has resulted in Military Police taking place of conventional police force. Currently, NC stands on an edge: either it untied people behind single banner or collapses into bloody chaos.

Military Junta[]

Initially NC was a civil government, and still claims to be, but the truth is that the military stepped in to prevent collapse. To remain in government, a politician has actually do something or military will out him/her. The military has also habit of spying on the politicians, to seek out those who do not truly try to help people. Several former military personnel hold high places in the government. People do not like the situation, since it's too easy for the military go too far, but currently the system works and people tolerate it. To degree.



NCAF is combination of former militaries of north, with very heavy handed union. It's lead by Supreme Commander, followed by Field Marshalls, Generals, Colonels etc. etc. NCAF works on universal conscription; every person above 20 years must serve a mandatory year in military. This extends to women too, although official uniform is made so that men and women are not differentiated by appearance. A basic soldier, who has completed his basic training is called "jäger" or "jaegar". There are specialised troops, for support weapons and others.

Use of word "Comrade"[]

Due to the influx of Russians after its formation, the military took habit of calling each other "comrades". Although it is reserved to either official or honorary talks mainly. Main form is, equal or person who is higher ranking is allowed to refer other as "Comrade [name]", whilst lower ranking person refers to the other as "Comrade [rank]". It's custom to refer lower ranking person, who is not close relative or friend with rank when talking. In case of of more than single same ranking person, lower ranking person is allowed to refer higher ranking person with name. Such as case where jäger meets two colonels and wishes to adress a specific one. Correct form is "Comrade [rank] [name]"


The basic uniform of of the jäger consists of a combat vest, suit, helmet and shemagh-style cloth face covering. This is to prevent possible sexism among soldiers.


NCAF doctrine, thanks to its somewhat dated tech, relies on swarming the enemy with masses of infantry, breaking the enemy line with concerated attacks with tanks and support troops, supported by fast and agile aircraft. It's navy is mainly composed of small attack vehicles designed to protect the coast and as such lacks any real naval power. NCAF no longer deploy conventional shell artirely, instead preferring use of rocket artirely.

NCAF will assit civilian population, as long as it has man power. If troops are more needed on the front, civilians are on their own. This causes friction between allies, especialy between Liberators, who place non-combatant welfare high on their list.
